Your trip score is calculated from the time you start and stop driving — and some trips will be inherently riskier than others, even for the most careful drivers. Big-city driving can be unpredictable and require frequent hard braking. And because hard braking events weigh heavily into your trip score, as you can imagine, a big-city trip during rush hour will probably get a lower trip score than a drive down a relatively empty street. Your trip scores may vary widely, and a low score could mean that conditions are less than ideal.
Your daily score includes all trips that occurred during that calendar day from midnight until 11:59:59 p.m. Daily scores aggregate the number of events with overall distance, creating a complete score for the full day. One bad trip score can affect a daily score significantly, but it will have less impact on the weekly and monthly scores.
Your weekly score is compiled based on a rolling seven-day period. It is your overall score for the previous seven days, looking backward from the time of your most recent trip. For example, if you complete a trip on Sunday, January 8 at noon, your weekly score would represent all your trips that have occurred since just after noon on the prior Sunday, January 1.
Your monthly score is the most reliable indicator of how well you are driving. The monthly score on your Smart Driver monthly report is based on each calendar month — your overall score for the most recent full month. (If it is November 3, for example, you will see your monthly score for October, the last full month recorded.) To see your rolling 30-day score, visit your activity page and choose “monthly view” from the drop-down menu.
In addition to your monthly score, your monthly report includes an activity summary. This tells you how many instances of score-impacting events like hard braking occurred, and also instances of events that do not directly affect your score, such as hard acceleration and average km/h. You’ll also find tips for boosting your score.